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West African Literature(Litt 321) Question Paper

West African Literature(Litt 321) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions
Question One
"Chinua Achebe heavily relies on Igbo folklore and culture to critique the Ibo society." Paying close reference to Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God, discuss. (20 Marks)

Question Two
With reference to the text, discuss the theme of misuse of power in the play Kongi’s Harvest by Wole Soyinka (20 Marks)
Examine the brand of feminism exemplified in Mariama Ba’s So long a letter. (20 Marks)

Question Three
Discuss character traits of Odewale as depicted in The Gods are not to Blame by Ola Rotimi

Question Four
With reference to the poem "If you want to know me" by Noema De Souza, identify and explain the stylistic devices used in the poem. (20 Marks)
If you want to know me by Noemia de Souza
If you want to know me
Examine with careful eyes
This bit of black wood
Which some unknown Makonde brother
Cut and carved
With his insipired hands
In the distant lands of the north
This is what I am
Empty sockets despairing of possessing life
A month torn open in an anguished wound
Huge hands outspread
And raised in imprecation an in threat
A body tattoed with wounds seen and unseen
From the harsh whip strokes of slavery
Tortured and magnificent
Proud and mysterious
Africa from head to foot
This is what I am
If you want to understand me
Come, bend over this soul of Africa
In the black dockworker’s groans
The chope’s frenzied dances
The changanas’ rebellion
In the strange sadness which flows
From an African song, through the night
And ask no more
To know me
For I’m nothing but a shell of flesh
Where africa’s revolt congealed
Its cry pregnant with hope

Question Five
With reference to the poem "Returning Again" discuss the major issues addressed by the poet. (20 Marks)
Returning Again
Every meal of everyday
A memory of the one before
Rising from a mat on the ground
To pull water from the well
Carry home in a metal bucket
On her head
She may be used to it
But that doesn’t mean that metal
Is some how lies hard to her
On her body
As she cooks
Over a smoky fire
Bent over now and still
Hours later bent
In a field of intimidating size
Her hands are losing skin
To the wooden handle
Of her only tool
Swung up into the air
And brought back down
Into the soil
This act her livelihood
Her only hope of income
She returns home
As the sun sets over her field
And bends to cook
Before returning again
To her mat on the dirt

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