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Introduction To Poetry(Litt 112) (Litt 022) Question Paper

Introduction To Poetry(Litt 112) (Litt 022) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions
Question One
Using illustrations give an in-depth description of ’poetry’ as an artistic expression of communication.
(10 marks)
Conduct a thorough explication of the poem below.
(10 marks)
What is Africa
To me?
Deep, deep fathomless.
Idle giant
Basking in the sun,
Sleeping, snoring
Twitching in dreams;
Diseased with a chronic illness
Choking with black ignorance
Chained to the rock
Of poverty.

Question Two
Distinguish oral poetry from written poetry.
(10 marks)
Read the poem below and discuss the unique features of language:
Old Granny.
A little freezing spider
Legs and arms gathered in her chest
Rocking with flu
I saw old Granny
At Harare market,
It was part nine of the night
When I saw the dusty crumpled spider
A torn little blanket
Was her web. (10 marks)
By Bonus Zimunya

Question Three
You are a teacher of poetry in a form one class. Explain in depth how you would go about analyzing a poem. (20 marks)

Question Four
Discuss how rhythm has been achieved in the poem below:
Do you remember an Inn,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the tedding and the spreading
Of the straw for a bedding,
And the fleas that tease in the high Pyrenees,
And the wine that tasted of the tar?
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteers
(under the vine of the dark verandah)?
Do you remember on Inn, Miranda,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muletees
Who hadn’t got a penny,
And who weren’t paying any
And the hammer a the doors and the Din?
And the Hip! Hop! Hap!
Of the clap
Of the hands of the twirl and swirl
Of the girl gone chancing,
Backing and advancing
Snapping of the clapper to the spin
Out and in
And the Ting Tong Tang of the guitar!
Do you remember an Inn,
Do you remember an Inn?
Never more;
Never more.
Only the high peaks hear
And aragon a torrent at the door
No sound
In the walls of the hall where falls
The tread
Of the feet of the dead to the ground
No sound:
But the boom
Of the far waterfall like doom

Question Five
Read the Acholi dirge below and answer the questions that follow:
Beloved of my mother
Okot p’Bitek
Beloved of my mother
Is like plucked vegetables leaves
His large eyes are wide open,
His teeth are white like dry-season
Death has destroyed a prince,
To-day, he is lost
Son of the chief,
Beloved of my mother
Is like plucked vegetable leaves.
What is the implication of the title?
Identify the images used in the poem. How effective are they?
What line in this poem conveys the feeling of emptiness?
How has the poet been economical in his expression of emotion here?

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