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Business Values &Amp; Social Responsibility(Buss 116) Question Paper

Business Values &Amp; Social Responsibility(Buss 116) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
Read the case below and answer the questions that follow:
Inside Information
Tom Jones has recently joined the sales force of Wood Truss, a manufacturer of wooden structural parts for commercial buildings. Large contractors issue requests for bids for a bill of materials required to construct a commercial project. Tom’s job includes reviewing the bill of materials and developing his firm’s bid.
Tom’s new boss, Mark Smith, gave Tom a request for bids from Strong Built, a commercial contractor. The request involved the construction of a 300,000 square foot warehouse. Tom immediately set about costing out the materials specified in the bill.
The day before the bid was due, Mark came in and handed Tom two brown envelopes. Mark said the envelopes, which contained copies of the bids from Wood Truss’s two main competitors, had just been received from their inside man at Strong Built. He also said that the Wood Truss bid must be just under the lowest bid from the competition. Wood Truss was always the lowest bidder on major jobs; competitors were allowed to win a few of the smaller jobs so as not to arouse suspicion. When Tom protested that using the information was not right, Mark said that this is the way things are done in the construction industry. The firm with contacts stays in business. He said Tom is now working for a winner and should be glad that he signed on with the right company.

a) Distinguish between business ethics and an ethical business (3marks)
b) Describe the main stakeholders. (4marks)
c) Discuss the main ethical issues involved. (4marks)
d) Suggest and justify probable alternatives are available. (5marks)
e) Evaluate the practical constraints. (4marks)
f) Illustrate how ethics theories can be used to select one alternative that Tom should take.(10marks)

Question 2
a) Explain how business ethics relate to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (5marks)
b) With relevant examples explain the main stakeholders in an organization. (5marks)
c) Discuss the relevance of ethics to business organization (5marks)
d) Briefly explain factors encouraging companies to address ethics. (5marks)

Question 3
a) A constructive step towards identifying and resolving ethical issues is to classifying the issues relevant to most business organization. Discuss these classifications. (3marks)
b) What are the two types of organizations? (2marks)
c) Discuss problems that may cause ethical issues in centralized organizations. (15marks)

Question 4
a) Describe six styles of leadership that are based on emotional intelligence as identified by Daniel Coleman. (10marks)
b) There are five power bases from which one person may influence another. Discuss these concepts. (5marks)
c) Discuss five types of social responsibilities. (5marks)

Question 5
Discuss the FOUR distinct evolution or phases of corporate social responsibility. (4marks)
Describe the SEVEN dynamic dimension mix model for achieving greater corporate social responsibility. (10marks)
Deontologist regards the nature of moral principles as permanent and stable. Discuss FIVE certain absolute rights according to deontologist. (6marks)

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