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Principles Of Marketing(Buss 218) Question Paper

Principles Of Marketing(Buss 218) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

a) Define the following terms:
i) Service
ii) Consumer Dissonance
iii) Demands
iv) Marketing mix
v) Market
vi) Market Segmentation (12marks)
b) Briefly describe Complex buying behavior and Variety seeking buying behavior.(8marks)
c) Explain the assumptions underlying the marketing orientations that firms can follow. (10marks)

a) Describe the diffusion process? (10marks)
b) You are the manager of a Supermarket in a busy town. You have competitors in form of other supermarkets and retail shops. You have been successful to date on the basis of offering superior customer service and a wide range of high quality products. What internal and external issues influence you when setting price. (10marks)

a) Give some of the factors a company has to consider when choosing a Target Market Strategy. (10marks)
b) You are the Marketing Manager of Dairy Foods a company that manufactures a wide range of chocolate products. While you have a good gut instinct for what the market wants, a number of your recent product launches have been complete flops. You want to create a formal New Product Development (NPD) strategy. Suggest a systematic and formal series of steps for NPD. (10marks)

a) You are a Marketing Manager for a firm about to launch a new brand of Mp3 player. This is the first time that Mp3 player will have been promoted. There are no direct competitors however there are firms selling CD players. Identify the tools of the promotion mix you will use at the Introduction to Decline stage and explain why you would use them. (10marks)
b) State two advantages and two disadvantages of Integrated Marketing Communication.(4marks)
c) Sometimes consumers while seeking to buy a product may conduct an information search and other times a very minimal search. What factors might influence how much information searching a consumer does? (6marks)

a) Differentiate between direct and indirect channels of distribution and discuss the functions these channels perform. (10marks)
b) Consumer products are those bought by final consumers. Give four ways in which you can classify consumer products giving an example in each. (6marks)
c) Give the difference between a product line and product mix. (4marks)

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