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Organizational Behaviour(Buss 326) Question Paper

Organizational Behaviour(Buss 326) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Briefly explain the following concepts (20marks)
i) Negotiation
ii) Conflict management
iii) Motivation
iv) Job enlargement
v) Informal group
b) Highlight and briefly explain the major factors that influence individual behavior in an organization ( 10 marks)

Question 2
“The nature of formal organization is such that in congruency between individual goals is inevitable.” Explain the statement and suggest ways to achieve congruency between goals of the two. (20 marks)

Question 3
a) Highlight and briefly explain the factors that determine a person’s personality ( 10 marks)
b) What is the importance of studying organizational Behavior? (10marks)

Question 4
Various theories of motivation approach the problem of motivation from different perspectives but they all emphasize similar set of relationship. Explain this statement bringing out the relationship (20 marks)

Question 5
a) “O.B represents interaction among individuals, groups and the Organization.” Elucidate ( Clarify) this statement (10 marks)
b) Explain in detail the ERG theory of motivation. How does it significantly differ from Maslow’s Model of motivation (10marks)

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