Bmgt 420: Project Management Question Paper

Bmgt 420: Project Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2014


DATE: 8/04/2014
TIME: 2.00 – 4.00 P.M.
Answer Question one and any other two
Read the Case study and answer ALL the questions below it
AmeriHealth Mercy Driving Results and Increasing Competitive Advantage Through
Organization Project Management
In 2007, the AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Companies sought to improve its ability to
systematically deliver its strategy. Facing new competition in the managed health care industry
and facing substantial changes due to federal health care reform, the organization determined that
its existing results could not sustain the growth needed to face an increasingly competitive
landscape. AmeriHealth Mercy is a partnership of Mercy Health System,(a non-profit health care
organization delivering services to communities across the U.S., and Independence Blue Cross, a
U.S.-based health care insurance organization. The two companies joined together in 1996 to
provide Medicaid managed care services, governmental programs that provide medical and
health-related services to specific groups of people in the United States, to underserved and low-
income populations.
An ownership change was announced on August 9, 2011 and is currently undergoing regulatory
review AmeriHealth Mercy, a mission-driven organization, employs almost 2,500 associates and
serves more than 4 million members in 14 U.S. states. Its diverse product lines include full-risk
health plans, management and administrative services for health plans, intensive care
management, pharmacy benefit management and behavioral health care services.
In 2004, AmeriHealth Mercy formed a program management office (PMO), which was the result
of organizational recognition of the importance of creating a resource pool of skilled project
managers. The PMO began creating a set of standard templates and reports that the organization
now uses to execute and monitor the performance of its projects.
The PMO leader was promoted, and in 2007 AmeriHealth Mercy brought in a seasoned PMO
professional to continue advancing the PMO and the organization’s project management. The
new PMO director, Ruth Anne Guerrero, was familiar with the concept of organization project
management (OPM) and determined that the OPM approach would serve as a roadmap for
advancing the organization. For AmeriHealth Mercy, organization project management is a
critical driver for business success. This approach aligns the organization’s resources to its
strategy through disciplined portfolio management, integrating the business needs of the strategy
into programs and projects so it can deliver the intended benefits to the organization. It then
executes strategy-driven initiatives through superior project management. This systematic
approach aligns work to the strategies of the organization and delivers results that advance the
organization’s strategy.
In September 2008, under Guerrero’s direction, AmeriHealth Mercy conducted an Organization
Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3)® assessment in conjunction with Project
Management Institute (PMI). The assessment helped the organization map its existing
organization project management capabilities and identify improvements that needed to be made
in order for the organization to further improve business performance. “Every PMO wants to
improve,” Ms. Guerrero says. “I wanted to be able to objectively determine the maturity of our
PMO. I wanted to leverage best practices and, if needed, make effective improvements to our
processes. That is why I chose to have an OPM3 assessment performed.” OPM3 is a global best
practice standard used to measure and improve an organization’s ability to deliver its strategy
with the use of program, portfolio and project management. Created by PMI, OPM3 assessments
compare the existing capabilities of the organization to the best practices of organization project
management. Excerpt from: Project Management Institute Inc.(2010)

(a) “I wanted to leverage best practices and, if needed, make effective improvements to
our processes. That is why I chose to have an OPM3 assessment performed.” OPM3
is a global best practice standard used to measure and improve an organization’s
ability to deliver its strategy with the use of program, portfolio and project
management”. Assume you are Ms Guerreros assistant ; Do you agree with this
statement? Why or why not?


(b) “The assessment helped the organization map its existing organizational project
management capabilities and identify improvements that needed to be made in order
for the organization to further improve business performance”. How does this
resonate with your understanding of the role of projects in strategy execution?


(c) “This approach aligns the organization’s resources to its strategy through disciplined
portfolio management, integrating the business needs of the strategy into programs
and projects so it can deliver the intended benefits to the organization. It then
executes strategy-driven initiatives through superior project management.” As a
practitioner in the field of projects what roles would constitute “superior project
management”? Justify your response.


(a)Outline six roles of a project manager. Of what significance do the roles of a project
manager have on the success of a project? Give reasons to support your response. (12marks)

(b)Project termination is a process requiring diligence. What are the tasks involved and why
are they necessary?

(8 marks)


With relevant real or hypothetical examples, describe in depth, the important features of
at least five characteristics of projects

(10 marks)
In considering project selection models, and for a selection model or criterion to be used,
it should meet certain characteristics. Outline and explain five of these characteristics
(10 marks)
Project appraisal is key in determining the best project to implement amid several
options. Illustrate your understanding of five investment appraisal methods. (10marks)
What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Define Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)?

Of what significance is M& E in the management of projects?

Demonstrate your appreciation of three types of Evaluation and state their relevance in
project Management.


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