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Development Economics(Buss 327) Question Paper

Development Economics(Buss 327) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Instructions: Answer Question ONE and Any Other TWO.
Question One

Evaluate the following statement:
"Higher per capita income in a country does not always mean that its people are better-off than those in a country with lower income". (5 Marks)

What indictors can be used to measure people’s quality life?
(5 Marks)

Explain the concept of sustainable development.
(5 Marks)

Suggest possible policy measures for sustainable development.
(5 Marks)

Is economic development necessarily the same as economic growth? Explain.
(5 Marks)
Is it possible for a nation to experience ’Growth without development’? Cite at least one country to motivate your answer.
(5 Marks)

Question Two
What are the criteria used to categorise countries as least developed countries.
(15 Marks)

Discuss the common characteristics of LDCs.
(5 Marks)

Question Three
In what ways does rapid population growth impair economic growth?

(10 Marks)
In what ways does rapid population growth stimulate economic growth?
(10 Marks)

Question Four
Critique Rostow’s stages of growth theory.
(10 Marks)
Discuss the THREE theories under the International Dependence Model.
(10 Marks)

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