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Development Economics Supp (Buss 327) Question Paper

Development Economics Supp (Buss 327) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer Question ONE and any other TWO.
Question One
Discuss your understanding of the relationship between economic growth and the production possibility frontier. Illustrate your response.

(10 Marks)
In what ways does the production possibility frontier illustrate the concept of opportunity cost.
(10 Marks)
Economists have adopted different methods of measuring economic developments. Discuss the FOUR methods.
(10 Marks)

Question Two
Briefly explain the characteristics of developing economies.
(10 Marks)
"Third world countries are poor because they are poor". Discuss this statement.
(10 Marks)

Question Three
Matthusian doctrine of population rests upon THREE central ideas. Discuss these and critically evaluate the theory. (20 Marks)

Question Four
Explain briefly the balanced growth theory. How does it differ from the lump sum capital theory?
(10 Marks)
What are the problem that LDC’s face in their effort to industrialize.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
Briefly show your understanding of the following concepts.
Economic integration
(10 Marks)
Differentiate between economic development. Illustrate your discussion using the production possibility curve.
(10 Marks)

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