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Organization Behaviour(Buss 035) (Dbmg 032) (Dhrm 023)  Question Paper

Organization Behaviour(Buss 035) (Dbmg 032) (Dhrm 023)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Attempt question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Define the term organizational behaviour. Relate it to management.
(4 marks)

List down the five functions of managers.
(5 Marks)

Contrast the contributions of psychology and sociology to organizational behaviour.
(4 marks)

Mention any three consequences of stress for an individual employee.
(3 Marks)

What can organizations do to overcome employee resistance to change?
(14 Marks)

Question Two
List down any three significances of motivation.
(3 Marks)

Discuss the features of a sound motivational system.
(12 Marks)

List the forces that act as stimulants for change.
(5 Marks)

Question Three
Define the term ’learning.’
(2 Marks)

Three theories have been offered to explain the process by which we acquire patterns of behavior. List down the three theories of learning.
(3 Marks)

McGregor of U.S.A developed a theory of motivation. He formulated two sets of assumptions regarding human behaviour- theory X and theory Y. Describe there themes and state their differences.
(15 marks)

Question Four
Define perception.
(2 Marks)

Differentiate between formal and informal organization.
(6 Marks)

Discuss briefly the outcomes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace.
(12 Marks)

Question Five
What can organizations do to reduce employee stress?
(10 marks)

Discuss the factors that are related with team effectiveness.
(10 Marks)

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