Knowledge Management(Bbit 418) (Buss 433)  Question Paper

Knowledge Management(Bbit 418) (Buss 433)  

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


SECTION A : Answer ALL Questions. (30 Marks)
Question One (10 Marks)
Define the following terms in the context of knowledge management knowledge Management:
Knowledge Networking
Knowledge Management System
Information Management
Knowledge Creation

Question Two: (10 Marks)
Briefly describe TWO methods of knowledge transfer.

Question Three
Explain briefly the concept of social learning cycle in knowledge management. Illustrate your answer.

SECTION B: Answer TWO Questions (40 Marks)
Question Four (20 Marks)
Discuss illustrating with examples TWO main challenges of knowledge management in an organization of your choice.

Question Five
Briefly explain the status of indigenous knowledge in your community today.
(5 Marks)

Discuss with appropriate illustrations, FIVE major challenges that Kenya has faced in the efforts to manage indigenous knowledge.
(15 Marks)

Question Six
Define the FIVE critical terms in knowledge management, namely,

(10 Marks)
What is the difference between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Illustrate your answer.
(5 Marks)
How should either an academic organization or a business organization handle each of the two knowledge types in their efforts to effectively manage knowledge?. Briefly describe TWO ways.
(5 Marks)

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