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Principles And Practices Of Management(Buss 100) Question Paper

Principles And Practices Of Management(Buss 100) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two from Section B.
Question One
Read the following case and answer the questions that follow.
Jeymey is a business that deals with recycling plastics. The owner, Jeremy, has contracted seven boys who move around collecting plastics from dustbins, rubbish pits and dumpsites everyday of the week at Jeremy’s business premises. Of late, the boys have developed chipping and darkened nails, sore hands and athlete’s foot. They have presented their case to Jeremy, the proprietor, who is also the business manager. Their proposal is being supplied with hard rubber gloves, aprons and gumboots to ease their work. Jeremy has refused to listen to them and on a delayed feedback; he dismisses their claim by saying that they are baseless and mere allegations driven by greed for his resources. He advises them to choose whether to continue supplying him or he contracts other boys.
Meanwhile, the people living next to the dumpsite are complaining that the boys leave the sites in a mess when they rummage through looking for the plastics. Jeremy is asked to ensure that the boys leave the sites as they find them, but Jeremy once again dismisses their claim saying that it is the council’s and not his responsibility. He rationalizes that the councils work is to ensure all garbage is collected on time, forgetting that if this s dome, the boys will have nothing to deliver to his premises and this could consequently lead to business closure.
Present the skills that a manager should have in a diagram form and out of these skills, discuss one crucial role that Jeremy failed to practice.
(12 Marks)
List the roles that Jeremy failed to play;
Three roles (in the issue of the boys)
(3 Marks)
Three roles (in the issue of the community at the dumpsite.
(3 Marks)
Jeremy needs to reorganize and plan the operations of his business;
Outline the steps he would follow to plan.
(6 Marks)
Discuss the repercussions of failure to plan.
(6 Marks)

Question Two
Give examples of four ethical issues affecting management today.(4 Marks)
Describe various forms of activity interdependence in an organization.
(8 Marks)

What are the main functions of a control system in an organization?
(8 Marks)

Question Three
"Historical perspectives of management are important especially to a business management student." Discuss the following theories of management and their relevance in managing organizations today.
a) Classical theory of management.
(5 Marks)
b) neo-classical theory of management. (5 Marks)
c) Modern approaches to management. (5 Marks)
ii. Planning is forward looking while controlling is a backward look. Explain this statement in relation to planning and controlling as functions of management. (5 Marks)

Question Four
What is an organization structure? Draw and explain an organizational structure of an organization you are familiar with.
(7 Marks)

State and explain five functions of management.
(5 Marks)

Different levels of management require different managerial skills. Discuss.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
Using examples show how internal and external factors affect the management of the organization.
(10 Marks)

With good examples show how companies can improve ethical performance organization.
(5 Marks)

Discuss in details what you think drive organizations to be involved in social responsibility.
(5 Marks)

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