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Business Law Ii B(Buss 216) Question Paper

Business Law Ii B(Buss 216) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Explain the following:
i) Company limited by shares and company limited by guarantee.
ii) Statutory companies (2marks)
iii) Artificial person (2marks)
iv) The lifting of corporate veil (2marks)
v) Memorandum and articles of association (2marks)

b) i) What is a prospectus? (2marks)
ii) What is the purpose and the content of a prospectus of a public limited company? (12marks)
iii) Where can a person desirous of investing in a public limited company get a prospectus and what is the main use of function of a prospectus of a company? (6marks)

Question Two
a) Who is a promoter of a company? (4marks)

b) State and explain the role of a promoter as owned to the company to the outsiders. (8marks)

c) What is winding up of a company? Explain briefly the different ways of winding up a company. (8marks)

Question Three
a) Explain the doctrine of constructive notice. (6marks)

b) Differentiate between corporate sole and corporate aggregate. (6marks)

c) What is the differences as well as similarities of a company as a corporate body as opposed to other incorporated bodies like co-operative societies and trade unions? (8marks)

Question Four
a) What is a statutory meeting of a company and what are its uses?

b) State and describe the Animal general meetings, its uses as opposed to
other types of meetings within the company. (15marks)

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