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Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship B(Buss 221) Question Paper

Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship B(Buss 221) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Even though many potential entrepreneurs prepare very sound business plans, they sometimes overlook some critical risks which may cause their business failure in future. Explain the risks that a new enterprise may face arising from their business plan. (10marks)

b) Explain factors that motivate entrepreneurs in their business ventures.

c) With the help of relevant illustrations explain possible factors that make people on paid employment leave to launch their own businesses.

d) Why should an entrepreneur execute a business idea immediately?

Question Two
Entrepreneurship education is a powerful tool for empowerment.
Governments, NGO`s and the private sector have collaborated to tackle the
multiple problems of unemployment especially for the youth, women and
traditional marginalized sections of the society. Using examples where
applicable, discuss how best this could be achieved. (20marks)

Question Three
a) "Entrepreneurs are born while others are made." Discuss this statement using relevant illustrations where applicable. (10marks)

b) Explain various techniques that an entrepreneur can apply in creative problem solving. (10marks)

Question Four
With the help of relevant examples critically discuss the strategies that the government of Kenya is embracing to enhance entrepreneurship development.

Question Five
a) Highlight FIVE main myths and fallacies associated with
entrepreneurship and propose appropriate ways of dealing with them.

b) One of the main problems facing business start ups is poor record keeping. Explain the importance of maintaining proper records to a business entity and more so to the management and business owners.

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