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Research Methods (Buss 423) Question Paper

Research Methods (Buss 423) 

Course:Bachelor Of Economics And Applied Statistics

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two questions.

Question One
Differentiate the following as used in research.
Target population/Sample
Correlation research/Descriptive study
Independent variable/Dependent variable
Qualitative/Quantitative research.
(10 marks)
Review of literature plays a critical role in research. Discuss
(10 marks)
By use of examples explain the following terms: mode, median, mean.
(10 marks)

Question Two
Workers in a busy five star hotel have given a two day notice to management to go on strike. You have been contacted to analyze the situation and write a report:
Formulate a title for the report.
(2 marks)
Indicate four major areas that you will focus on in the report.
(4 marks)
Identify two research instruments you would use in gathering information and why.
(4 marks)
Highlight two ethical practices you will reinforce while collecting information.
(4 marks)
Identify any three challenges that you may encounter while collecting information and how you will address them.
(6 marks)

Question Three
Identify any four sources of a researchable problem.
(10 marks)
Briefly discuss any five reasons why a researcher should prepare a proposal before conducting research.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Define sampling and discuss four types of non probability sampling.

(10 marks)
State four advantages of focus group discussions.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Discuss the following measurement scales:
(10 marks)
A business student was overheard making the following statement "I don’t understand why research methods should be included in the syllabus"
Explain to the student why it is important for managers to understand research methodology. (10 marks)

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