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Principles Of Management B(Buss 012) Question Paper

Principles Of Management B(Buss 012) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Instructions: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions.
Question One
What is an organization and why is it important.
(4 Marks)
Identify and explain FIVE resources a manager brings to an organization.
(10 Marks)
What are managers required to do in order to achieve objectives through others.
(4 Marks)
Distinguish between vision and mission of an organization.
(6 Marks)
Describe various types of managers found in organizations today. Give examples.
(6 Marks)

Question Two
Identify and explain the elements of a good coordination in organizations today.
(10 Marks
What are the characteristics of management.
(10 Marks)

Question Three
Identify and explain various steps managers go through in decision making process.
(10 Marks)
What is the contribution of Henri Fayol in management discipline.

(10 Marks)

Question Four
Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and state why it is important to managers.
(12 Marks)
Identify and explain FOUR leadership behaviours you are likely to see in organizations in Kenya today.
(8 Marks)

Question Five
Identify and explain FOUR functions of a good control system.
(8 Marks)
Distinguish between the following types of controls.
Managerial discretion controls.
(3 Marks)
Informational controls
(3 Marks)
Time controls
(3 Marks)
Post action controls
(3 Marks)

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