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Business Values And Ethics(Buss 031) Question Paper

Business Values And Ethics(Buss 031) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Instructions: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions.
Question One
What is the importance of ethics knowledge in an organization?
(5 Marks)

Highlight any FIVE characteristics that are likely to be found in an organization that highly values ethical practices.
(10 Marks)

Despite the advantages for an organization to have ethical practices, most organizations in Kenya are still engaged in unethical behavious and other business malpractices, explain any THREE factors or situations that motivates these organizations to do so.
(12 Marks)

Suggest ways an organization can reduce the tendency of its employees in behaving unethically in their workplace.
(3 Marks)

Question Two
Elaborate any THREE ethical responsibilities of the management of an organization to its stakeholders.
(6 Marks)
Briefly explain the stages of ethical decision making process.
(8 Marks)

What are the characteristics of an ethical decision.
(3 Marks)

What factors (individual factors) that would influence a managers decision.

(3 Marks)

Question Three
The Management has ethical responsibility to its employee and other stakeholders. Briefly elaborate the ethical responsibility of the following stakeholders.
(9 Marks)
Elaborate on each of the following contents of codes of ethics.
(6 Marks)
Standard of conduct
What factors will motivate an employee to engage in unethical behavior. What is the implication of this to a manager.
(5 Marks)

Question Four
Discuss the following dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility
(10 Marks)
An organization’s reward system and culture has an influence on the decisions employees make, explain.
(6 Marks)
Highlight any ethical issues likely to arise in the following functional areas:
(4 Marks)

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