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443/1 Agriculture Question Paper

443/1 Agriculture 


Institution: Form 4 Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME:…………………………………………..…..INDEX NUMBER……………….DATE …………


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


? Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
? This paper consists of THREE sections A, B, and C.
? Answer all questions in sections A and B and any TWO questions in section C in spaces provided in this question paper

Section Question Maximum Score Candidates score
A 1-20 30
B 21-24 20
C 25-27 20
Total score

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided
1. State two ways in which agriculture contributes to industrial development (1mk)
2. A part from deficiency symptoms in crops name two other methods used to detect mineral nutrient deficiency in crops (1mk)
3. A farmer went to an agricultural officer for advice on how much fertilizer to apply on his 2½ hectares of land where he intended to plant maize. He was advised to apply 80kg / ha of P2O5 at planting time and 40kg /ha of N as top dress. The only fertilizers available in the market were Sulphate of Ammonia (20%N) and Single Superphosphate (20% P2O5).
i) How much Single Superphosphate would the farmer need to apply? (½mk)

ii) How much Sulphate of Ammonia would the farmer need to apply? (½mk)

iii) Why did the farmer need to apply Sulphate of Ammonia as a top dress? (½mk)

4. Why would plucked tea leaves be delivered to the factory as soon as they are plucked? (½mk)
5. What are the two factors one must consider in calculating gross margin? (1mk)
6. Classify the following pasture legumes based on altitude: desmodium, centro, clover, vetch, siratro, glycine (3mks)
7. Give two effects of overstocking on soil (1mk)
8. (i) Differentiate between a market and marketing (1mk)
(ii) State any four problems a dairy farmer is likely to face in marketing of milk (2mks)
9. State four objectives of land reforms. (2mks)
10. (i) What are terraces? (½mk)
(ii) Name any two types of terrace constructed in farm lands (1mk)

11. Name four types of water pumps which can be used on a farm (2mks)
12. Give four reasons for seed selection in crop production (2mks)
13. State four advantages of mixed farming (2mks)
14. Give two importance of chitting in potato production (1mk)
15. What is a production function (½mk)

16. Give four reasons for carrying out secondary cultivation (2mks)
17. Give four reasons for pruning in crops (2mks)
18. State four importance of top dressing forage crops (2mks)
19. Define the term farm record. (½mk)
20. State one method of controlling maize stalk-borers (½mks)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided
21. a) Below is a drawing of a young orange tree

i) Which one of the branches labeled A and B should be pruned? (½mk)
ii) Give two reasons for your answer in (a) (i) above (2mks)
iii) Name the correct tool for pruning the branch (½mk)
b) A plot of land measures 6.6m long and 3.6m wide. The plot is prepared for planting cabbages at a spacing of 60cm by 60cm. The outermost rows start 30cm from the edges all around the plot. Showing your work, calculate the:
i) Number of rows falling on the wide side of the plot (1½mks)

ii) Number of cabbage seedlings that should be planted in the plot, (1½mks)

c) The diagram below represents a weed,

i) Identify the weed. (½mk)
ii) Classify the weed according to its lifespan (½mk)
iii) State one harmful effect of this weed to livestock (1mk)
22. Study the illustration of compost given and use it to answer the questions that follows

i) Identify the method of compost illustrated (1mk)
ii) Explain how compost is made in the pits illustrated (2mks)
iii) State two factors that determine the quality of compost manure (2mks)

23. Study the illustration given and use it to answer the question that follow

i) Identity the storage pest illustrated (½mk)
ii) Explain two types of damage they cause on produce. (2mks)
iii) Name the structural feature placed on the granary to prevent that pest (½mk)
iv) Other than the feature named in (iii) above, state two other control measures of that storage pest (2mks)
24. Study the following illustration of a financial document and use it to answer the questions that follow
From………………….. NO…………………
P.O Box……………… Date………………..
P.O Box………………
Please supply the following goods on or before
Items No Units Description Unit price
3 2 bags
1 (25kg) bag
1 (50kg) bag Dairy meal
Maize seed (614)
DAP fertilizer Shs.2800.00

Official rubber stamp
Ordered by……………….. Signature……………………….
Authorized by……………….. Signature……………………….
a) Identify the financial document illustrated. (1mk)
b) State the use of the financial document identified in (a) above (1mk)
Answer any TWO questions from this section
25. a) The following is a list of financial transactions and position of Greenland farm extracted from the farm’s financial documents on 31-12-2008.
Coffee sales 17000.00
Sale of sheep 10300.00
Closing valuation 15000.00
Purchase of fertilizer 2600.00
Veterinary bills 1300.00
Milk sales 3000.00
Wages 2400.00
Opening valuation 12000.00
Interest payable 650.00
Depreciation of machinery 2700.00
Purchase of panga 1000.00
Construction of crush 3500.00
Interests receivable 850.00
Purchase of dairy meal 2400.00
Sale of steers 25000.00
i) Prepare a profit and loss account for Greenland farm (12mks)

ii) Did the farm a make profit or loss? Calculate the percentage profit or loss that the farm made during the financial year. (3mks)

b) State the roles of Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) (5mks)
26. Explain how each of the following climatic factors affect crop production:
Rainfall, Wind, Temperature, Light (20mks)
27. Describe the field production of sorghum basing on the following sub- headings;
i) ecological requirements,
ii) seedbed preparation,
iii) planting,
iv) harvesting,
v) disease and pest control.

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