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Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship(Buss 114) Question Paper

Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship(Buss 114) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two question.
Question One
Due to lack of research in entrepreneurship, so many myths have come up. Explain the various myths in entrepreneurship.
What are the roles played by entrepreneurship in the economic development of a nation?
Why do entrepreneurs need a business plan?

Question Two
Explain the various differences between a manager and an entrepreneur.
A businessman requires business record to improve his business. What is the purpose of business records?
What are the roles of leadership in business?

Question Three
Mr. Joshua is an entrepreneur. He started a business with very large capital but it failed. He tried all tactics but in the long-run there were no profits, explain the various factors which may have led the business to fail. (20mks)

Question Four
Mr. Kilonzo is a business minded person. He has a challenge of starting a business due to lack of capital. Explain the various ways you can advice him to improve and start his business enterprise.
Small business are an asset as well as a liability to an entrepreneur. Discuss.

Question Five
Mrs. Eunice is a proprietor of a family enterprise. What are the challenges she is likely to face in the family business and what advice can you give her to solve the crisis in her business.
What are the roles played by the government in entrepreneurial development?

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