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Animal Cell Culture And Biotechnology Question Paper

Animal Cell Culture And Biotechnology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:




1.(a) Animal tissue & cell culture

(b) Biotechnology

(c) Interrelationships between (a) and (b) and significance (IL)

2.Cell lines in Biomedical Research

(d) Primary cell lines,their advantages and disadvantages

(e) Production process.

3.Mammalian cell culture and production process

(a) Application of Biotechnology in production of mammalian cell cultures

(b)Production process.

(i) Primary cells as raw materials

(ii)Condition for cell culture:aseptic media,aeration,freezing and storage etc.

(iii) Primary culture,cell lines and cloning

(iv) Isolation of issues

(v) Enzymatic degradation

(vi) Mechanical disaggregation

(vii) Slide coverslip culture

(viii) Flask culture (6 L)

4. Separation of viable and non viable cells and cell counting (IL)

5. Laminer-flow cabinet & modification (IL)

6. Metabolism of animal tissue culture (2 L)

7.Characteristic and growth of animal cell cultures

(a) Batch-culture

(b) Continuous culture

(c) Fed-back culture

8.Bioreactiors for animal's cells, monitoring and control of bioreactors in animals cell cultures.

(a) Importance of bioreactors for animal cell culture

(b) Chemostats and turbiostats

(c) Gas-distribution bioreactors

(d) Stirred DNA technology of animal cell

9.Recombinant DNA technology of animal cell

(a) Overview of recombinant DNA and recombinant DNA technology

(i) Recombinant DNA and significance

(ii) Vectors,restriction enzymes,and clones

(iii) Gene splicing and synthesis of new proteins

(iv) Hybridoma; production & selection(4 L)

10.Genetic engineering of Animals cells

(b) Bulk production of proteins by genetically engineered animal cells

(c) Genetically engineered proteins in medicine, agriculture and industries(3 L)

11.Transgenic Animals

(a) Definition and significance

(b) Processing for developing transgenic animals.

12.Down stream processing and protein production recovery

(a) Definition and significance

(b) Processing steps

13.Blood serum fractionation and growth factors

(a) Overview of blood plasma, serum etc.

(b) Functions and origin of plasma proteins

(c) Fractionation of serum proteins

(d) Growth factors

(i) Definition and characteristic features

(ii) Nerve growth factor (NGF)

(iii) Epidermal growth factor (EGF)

(iv) Transgenic growth factory (TGF) BI,B2, B2

(v) Platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF)

(vi) Fibroblasts growth factors(PDGF)

(vii) Others peptides(9L)


Total-45 hrs

NB Nos 8,9,and 12 are assignments for 2 months

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