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Marketing Logistics (Buss 443) Question Paper

Marketing Logistics (Buss 443) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question One and any other two questions.
Question One
Define the term marketing logistics. Briefly describe the key activities that comprise marketing logistics.
Critically discuss the relationship between place with the other 3Ps of the marketing mix framework.
The middleman is a parasite who only increases the costs of marketing that are then passed on to the consumer in form of high prices.

Question Two
Critically discuss how marketing logistics can be used as a source of competitive advantage.
Discuss just-in-time (JIT) production method in relationship to inventory planning.

Question Three
Discuss the impact of technological environment on a firm’s logistical activities.
Discuss the types of business and organizations that you could work for as a logistics managers.

Question Four
Inventory as a percentage of overall business activity has continued to decline in the recent past decades. Explain the reasons for this. (10mks)
Write a memo to your boss explaining the reasons for carrying inventory.
What are the inventory expectations of the finance department? (4mks)

Question Five
Explain the objectives of materials handling.
Some managers argue that warehousing can aid companies in providing value added service for customers. Discuss this view.

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