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Principle And Practices Of Management(Buss 012)  Question Paper

Principle And Practices Of Management(Buss 012)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) in Section A and Any Other Two Questions in Section B.

Question One
a) Explain why managers have to continuously scan both the internal and the external environments. (8marks)
b) Outline FIVE characteristics of management. (5marks)
c) Explain decision making process. (5marks)
d) Managers need specific skills to perform their duties well, explain FIVE
management skills. (5marks)
e) Define leadership and outline FIVE attributes of leadership. (7marks)

Question Two
a) Explain how managers motivate their employees at work place. (5marks)
b) Based on Ludwig Von Bertalanffy Theory (1940s), managers are
encouraged to look at organizations as systems made of various subsystems. Discuss. (9marks)
c) Explain equity theory of motivation by J. Stacy Adams. (8marks)
d) Outline FOUR sources of power in the organization. (8marks)

Question Three
a) Explain why technology is important to managers. (8marks)
b) Explain the future perspective of management based on the current
trends of competitive environment. (7marks)
c) Chester Barnarb`s theory of authority is seen in the context of communication systems. Outline the seven essential rules of this theory.
d) Define information and outline FIVE characteristics of useful information. (8marks)

Question Four
a) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making.
b) Why should managers emphasize in producing goods of high quality?
c) Identify FOUR functions of a good control systems. (4marks)
d) Explain why team work is important in organizations? (6marks)
e) Explain situational, transactional and transformational styles of
leadership. (6marks)

Question Five
a) Outline management roles in organizing. (4marks)
b) Why is cost effectiveness and speed important in management? (6marks)
c) Discuss the steps of planning process. (10marks)
d) Discuss Edwin Locke Goal-setting theory. (10marks)

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