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Risk Management(Buss 043)  Question Paper

Risk Management(Buss 043)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and Any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) An insurance contract is like any other contract, however it is distinctive and of special kind. Discuss on its distinctiveness. (10marks)
b) "Risk is at the very centre of the world today. Define risk and explain
THREE ways of classifying risks. (10marks)
c) Who is an underwriter and what roles does he play as far as insurance is
concerned? (10marks)

Question Two
a) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of self insurance.
b) What circumstances can lead to the collapse of an insurance company?

Question Three
a) Discuss the roles of insurance to an individual and to the economy.
b) Define captive insurance companies and hence explain the reasons for
their growing numbers in the world today. (12marks)

Question Four
a) What is your understanding of the following terms?
i) Uberrima fides. (3marks)
ii) Actuary (3marks)
iii) Proximate cause (3marks)
b) What are the essential requirements of an insurable peril? (11marks)

Question Five
a) Risk management is the identification analysis and economic control of those risks which can threaten the assets or earning of an enterprise. Discuss the key ways of handling and managing risk in an enterprise.
b) Describe the key challenges that insurance marketers face in insurance marketing. (5marks)

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