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Principles And Practices Of Management(Buss 012) Question Paper

Principles And Practices Of Management(Buss 012) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) in Section One and Any TWO From Section B
Question One
a) Define management and give TWO characteristics of management.

b) Explain how managers motivate their employees to ensure goals and
objectives are achieved in the organization. (7marks)

c) There are THREE levels of management. Explain these levels and the
skills that are appropriate at each level. (6marks)

d) Explain why decision making process is important in Management.

e) Discuss why it is a challenge to manage a firm in the current competitive environment? (8marks)

Question Two
a) Explain briefly the functions of management. (10marks)

b) Outline FIVE of Max Weber`s characteristic of bureaucratic organization.

c) What are the characteristics of useful information? (5marks)

Question Three
a) Explain an organization as a system as demonstrated by Ludwig Von
Bertalanffy. (5marks)

b) Highlight FIVE styles of leadership. (5marks)

c) Henry Mintzberg (1973) established managerial roles of which he grouped into three. Outline ten roles as grouped by Mintzberg.

Question Four
a) Planning is the process of setting performance objectives and
determining what actions should be taken to accomplish them. Explain
the THREE levels of management plans. (9marks)

b) Discuss theory X and theory Y manager as demonstrated by Ma Gregor.

c) How does technology affect businesses in terms of competition? (6marks)

Question Five
a) Explain three types of leadership styles. (6marks)

b) Outline control process and its importance to management. (9marks)

c) Give FIVE reasons why team work is necessary to organization`s
performance? (5marks)

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