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Organizational Behavior And Leadership(Buss 035)  Question Paper

Organizational Behavior And Leadership(Buss 035)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and any TWO Questions
Question One
a) What is organizational behavior? (3marks)
b) Behavior is a function of perception. Discuss the factors influencing
perception. (7marks)
c) "Organization behavior involves the integration of studies relating to behavioral sciences". Explain this statement. (10marks)
d) "Success in any management job depends on developing good interpersonal or people`s skills". Clearly discuss this statement.

Question Two
Leadership and management are two terms which are sometimes used interchangeably.
a) Explain the difference between the two terms. (3marks)
b) What are the behavioral qualities of an effective leader? (3marks)

Question Three
a) What are the reasons for change in an organization? (10marks)
b) Why is there a tendency by employees to resist change? (10marks)

Question Four
a) Using two motivation theories, explain how you would motivate
employees. (10marks)
b) Explain the barriers to effective communication. (10marks)

Question Five
a) Explain the factors affecting job design. (6marks)
b) What are the key elements of organizational structure? (6marks)
c) Explain how organization structure affect the relationship between employees and the management. (8marks)

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