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Strategic Management B(Buss 042)  Question Paper

Strategic Management B(Buss 042)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE Compulsory and any other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) Define Strategic Management and explain its importance to a decision
maker. (10marks)

b) Evaluate the concept of strategy from Henry Mintzberg`s 5Ps. (5marks)

c) Describe the steps in the strategic planning process. (10marks)

d) Explain the characteristics of an effective mission statement. (5marks)

Question Two
a) Differentiate between goals and objectives in strategic management.

b) Discuss the characteristics of effective objectives. (7marks)

c) Explain the decisions and strategies suitable for the three levels of
strategy. (10marks)

Question Three
a) Citing business examples analyze the intensity of competition in an
industry of your choice by applying porter`s FIVE forces model.
b) "A well formulated strategy can fail at the implementation phase" Discuss the key constraints in strategy implementation. (10marks)

Question Four
a) Identify and explain the elements in Balance Score Card approach and its application in Strategic Management. (10marks)

b) Explain the importance of evaluation and control in Strategic
Management. (10marks)

Question Five
a) Discuss FIVE current or emerging issues and the impact they have on
Strategic Management. (10marks)

b) Write short notes on the following terms: (10marks)
i) Strategic thinking (2marks)
ii) SWOT analysis (4marks)
iii) Origin of the word strategy (2marks)
iv) Core competencies (2marks)
v) Synergistic effects. (2marks)

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