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Business Planning B(Buss 046) Question Paper

Business Planning B(Buss 046) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE Compulsory And Any Other TWO

Question One
a) With the aid of a diagram, explain how business planning is a process.

b) Discuss any FIVE methods of identifying generating business ideas.

c) Why is it essential for a business owner to prepare a business plan?

d) What are the main hindrances in business plan preparation? (5marks)

Question Two
a) What is environmental analysis? (5marks)

b) Discuss the various information types required in order to prepare a good
business plan. (15marks)

Question Three
a) Discuss the contents of the production section of a business plan.

b) Describe the managerial qualities necessary to a business manager for a successful business venture. (10marks)

Question Four
a) Describe any FOUR types of plans. (10marks)

b) What is a business goal? Give examples of business goals. (10marks)

Question Five
Describe the contents of the marketing and financial elements of a business plan. (20marks)

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