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Principles And Practice Of Management(Buss 100)  Question Paper

Principles And Practice Of Management(Buss 100)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.
Question One
Define the term management and clearly show the salient features such a definition should have.
Identify and briefly explain the roles played by managers in organizations according to Henri Minzberg.
Explain four functions of communication process.
Distinguish between cybernetics and non cybernetic control systems in organizations. Give an example of each.
Identify and explains six qualities of a good leader in an organization.

Question Two
Briefly describe the contributions of pre-classical era in the development to management thought.
Describe the open system model of organizations and give examples of its application.

Question Three
Identify and explain four contextual dimensions of the environment that make organizations differ from one another.
Identify three main levels of management and explain in details the main activities of each of these levels.

Question Four
Organizations as function of management addresses three main issues, identify and briefly explain these issues.
Coordination as a function of management presents four forms of activity interdependence. Explain these forms of interdependence.

Question Five
Identify and explain the steps followed by managers in decision making process.
Describe various types of control system you are likely to find in KEMU.

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