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Entrepreneurship B(Buss 114) Question Paper

Entrepreneurship B(Buss 114) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question ONE and any other TWO.

Question One
Using the Schumpeterian view, explain the meaning of entrepreneurship.
In her Endeavour to realize Kenya vision 2030, our nation has been developing entrepreneurship culture among the citizens. With relevant examples, where applicable, discus the steps the Kenyan Government has taken to promote entrepreneurial activities in the country.
Explain the various techniques that an entrepreneur can apply in creative problem solving.
Explain the meaning of the following terms.
Market Niche
Technology diffusion

Question Two
Explain the main factors that have been driving many Kenyan to venture in entrepreneurship.
Briefly explain the main steps followed in registration of a business entity.

Question Three
(i) Define a business idea.
ii) Systematically explain the business idea generation process. (8mks)
Discuss the main qualities of a good business idea.

Question Four
Using relevant examples explain the role of an entrepreneur in Human Resource Management.
Describe the key elements of an executive summary of a good business plan.

Question Five
Using a diagram explain how the Maslow’s theory on hierarchy of needs is related to motivation.
Despite the efforts that the government of Kenya has applying with assistance from NGO’s and other social entities the growth of small businesses has remained low. Highlight the main challenges facing small business on Kenya today.

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