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Marketing Logistics B(Buss 443) Question Paper

Marketing Logistics B(Buss 443) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.

Question One
Discuss any four activities that comprise logistics.
Why are they important to logistics systems of marketing organizations?
Discuss the impact of technological environment on a firm’s logistical activities.

Question Two
The middleman is a parasite who only increase the costs of production that are then passed on the consumer inform of high product prices.
Discuss how you can motivate channel members.

Question Three
(i) what is meant by inventory visibility?
ii) explain the benefit of inventory visibility. (9mks)
Discuss the key questions that you would raise when judging the effectiveness of a company’s inventory management approach. (16mks)

Question Four
How would you design an efficient distribution system in a large organization? Explain with regard to its major components.
Some mangers argue that warehousing can aid companies in providing value added series for the customers. Discuss this value.

Question five
Distribution is the product’s path to the end user. Briefly discuss the distribution tasks performed by wholesalers to manufacturers and their customers. (20mks)

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