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Business Studies B(Buss 030)  Question Paper

Business Studies B(Buss 030)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Question One
The newly elected government of Kenya under the leadership of his excellence Uhuru Kenyatta has established youth and women fund for prospective business person who fall under the above category as stated. Mary is an entrepreneur who is interested in starting up a fruit place business unit in the town of Moyale.
Highlight FIVE factors she may have to consider before starting up the business.
(10 Marks)

Beside youth and women fund, explain other FIVE sources of funds she may acquire to start her business.
(10 Marks

Question Two
As a business person one should be socially responsible to the consumers in many ways. Explain some of the ways. (10 Marks)

(b) Outline the role of small business in the development of the Kenyan economy today. (10 Marks)

Question Three
(i) Define Utility?
(2 Marks)
(ii) Giving examples explain the following types of utility;
Form utility.
(2 Marks)
Time utility
(2 Marks)
Place utility
(2 Marks)
Possession utility
(2 Marks)

A business opportunity is favourable chance that an entrepreneur accepts for investment. It exists where there is a gap to be filled in the market. As a business student who intends to start a business after school state some of the gaps which can easily be identified in any market?
(10 Marks)

Question Four
Explain FIVE importances of warehousing to business?
(10 Marks)
What are the roles of the middlemen in any business.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
Mr. Kamau intends to start a business but he is not very sure which channel of distribution he will use as a business studies student. Advise Kamau on the factors which might influence his choice of distribution channel.
(10 Marks)
(i) What is a business plan?
(2 Marks)
(ii) Why should one come up with a business plan before starting a business? (8 Marks)

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