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Human Resource Information Systems (Buss 349) Question Paper

Human Resource Information Systems (Buss 349) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Explain the attributes of a good recruitment website. (6marks)
b) To address the HR functions in modules:
i) Justify the need for organizing HRIS in modules. (2marks)
ii) Give three characteristics of an HRIS module (3marks)
c) Implementing an HRIS is a big project and a major change for the organization. Discuss the measures that can be taken to reduce resistance to an HRIS. (6marks)
d) Outline any THREE measures that a company can take to secure its HRIS. (3marks)
e) Differentiate between the following:-
i) Data and information (2marks)
ii) Data and database management (2marks)
f) Describe the applications of HRIS to the following HR sub functions:
i) Human resource planning. (4marks)
ii) Performance management. (2marks)

Question Two
a) HRIS can be classified according to the organizational level they serve.
Briefly describe the basic types of HRIS. (6marks)
b) Describe any FOUR different types of users of an HRIS. (8marks)
c) Your company provides a health care scheme to all its employees. Employees currently choose and enroll in the company`s health scheme after reasing communications bronchures, completing enrolment forms and sending them to the HR department. HR staff process which is slow and prone to errors. How could you use HRIS to make enrollment to the health scheme more efficient and effective. (6marks)

Question Three
a) Explain the advantages of using a database in the management of HR
data in an organization. (6marks)
b) Explain why most organizations still use the traditional recruitment methods despite the benefits of e-recruitment. (6marks)
c) Discuss how internet can be used in training and development of employees in an organization. (8marks)

Question Four
a) Describe the THREE functional components of a HRIS. (6marks)
b) Discuss reasons why HRIS development may not succeed. (8marks)
c) A company is planning to implement an HRIS and the HR manager is of the opinion that outsourcing is the best approach. However, the company top management is convinced that sourcing is a bad activity because competitors can buy the same service from the same providers so it cannot be a source of competitive advantage. Discuss why the HR manager thinks that outsourcing is the best approach for implementing a HRIS. (6marks)

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