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Governance And Ethics(Buss 426)  Question Paper

Governance And Ethics(Buss 426)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Define corporate governance and show its characteristics. (10marks)
b) Using relevant examples, discuss the essential principles of corporate governance. (10marks)
c) Name and discuss at least FIVE (5) key stake holders in corporate governance. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Write short notes on the following theories of corporate governance:
i) Agency theory (5marks)
ii) Stewardship theory (5marks)
iii) Transaction cost theory (5marks)
iv) Stake holder theory. (5marks)

Question Three
a) Define leadership. (2marks)
b) What are the characteristics of an effective leader? (4marks)
c) Discuss at least THREE main leadership styles. (6marks)
d) Using relevant examples, discuss at least THREE group decision making
techniques. (8marks)

Question Four
a) What is corporate social responsibility? (2marks)
b) Discuss the arguments for and arguments against corporate social
responsibility. (10marks)
c) Using relevant examples discuss the main stake holder in corporate social responsibility. (8marks)

Question Five
Indentify a company of your choice and do the following:-
a) Indentify and discuss the risk management policing the company has
put in place. (10marks)
b) Discuss the importance of internal and external audits in that company.

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