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Principles And Practice Of Management (Buss 100) Question Paper

Principles And Practice Of Management (Buss 100) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Manager work in organizations. Define an organization as an entity and give reasons why organizations are formed.
(5 marks)
Explain five main components of an organization that are of paramount importance to management.
(10 marks)
Give the main contributions of Scientific Management School of thought to the disciples of management.
(4 marks)
Identify and explain four main functions of communication in management of organizations.
(4 marks)
What is transformation leadership? Give an example where this style is practiced in contemporary Kenyan organizations.
(3 marks)
Explain four main functions of a control system.
(4 marks)

Question Two
Describe the key contributions of pre-classical era in development of management thought.
(12 marks)
Describe the hierarchy of planning in an organization of your choice. Give examples.
(8 marks)

Question Three
What is a functional organizational design and where are you likely to find it?
(4 marks)
Explain various elements that form an organization structure.
(8 marks)
Why is the study of environment important when coming up with an appropriate organization structure?
(8 marks)

Question Four
Explain why it is important for managers to carry out social responsibility activities in organizations.
(6 marks)
Identify and explain at least five ways managers can motivate their staff. Give examples.
(10 marks)
Give four main elements of planning as a function of management.

(4 marks)

Question Five
Give reasons why the study of management as a discipline has become very important today.
(8 marks)
Describe the systems thinking and give its importance to the practice of management.
(12 marks)

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