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Commerce (Buss 201) Question Paper

Commerce (Buss 201) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions
Question One
One can eliminate wholesalers from the chain of distribution but not the wholesaling function. Do you agree?
(10 marks0
Highlight five roles that warehousing plays in trade.
(10 marks)

Question Two
Explain five circumstances under which a trader may use railway transport.
(10 marks)
Outline five factors to consider when choosing the means of communication.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Using relevant examples explain the principles that govern the operations of the insurance industry.
(10 marks0
Explain five methods of sales promotion available to the traders in the market.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Explain five reasons that justify government involvement in business activities.
(10 marks)
James a new employee of Tababu Ltd Company has been advised by his colleagues to join Tababu Sacco. Outline five benefits he is likely to enjoy.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Outline five contents of Memorandum of Association that companies are expected to file with the Registrar of companies in order to be incorporated.
(10 marks)
Differentiate between direct and indirect production.
(10 marks)

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