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Strategic Management (Buss 420) Question Paper

Strategic Management (Buss 420) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Explain the strategic management process.
Distinguish the three levels of strategy explaining which decisions are made at each level.
What resources do we need in implementation of strategic decision? (6mks)
Define "strategy" and "strategic management", how is strategic management dependent from any other kind management?
Demonstrate your understanding of "cost leadership" as used in strategic management.

Question Two
The five forces as described by porter have been used to analyze the competitive environment of a business. Using an appropriate diagram, explain the porters five forces model giving examples.
Distinguish between concentric and conglomerate diversification. (5mks)

Question Three
Strategy implementation is a process that turns strategic plans into actions. Explain the role of the following in strategy implementation.
Organization structure
Organization culture.
Highlight various internal growth strategies a company may pursue when operating in a competitive environment.

Question Four
Critically evaluate the role of SWOT analysis in strategy formulation. (8mks)
Write short notes on the following
Balanced score card approach
Long-term objectives
Mission and vision
Horizontal integration.

Question Five
KIWI is a shoe polish that has been in the Kenyan market for many years. Many companies have entered the market of shoe polishes and the managers of KIWI must come up with some strategies. Using relevant examples explain how the company can apply generic strategies to over wine competition in the market.
(i) What is the resource based view of the form.
ii) Clearly explain what is meant by "strategic resources". (4mks)

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