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Marketing Logistics (Buss 443) Question Paper

Marketing Logistics (Buss 443) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Designing a market channel system required analyzing customer needs, establishing channel objectives and identifying and evaluating major channel alternatives.
Describe five service outputs that marketing channels produce to meet the needs of the customer.
(10 marks)
What objectives would a marketer establish or consider when designing a market channel.
(5 marks)
Describe the three elements that a marketer would use to describe the channel alternatives.
(9 marks)
Explain the criteria against which the market channel alternative needs to be evaluated.
(6 marks)

Question Two
What is meant by inventory visibility?
(4 marks)
Explain the benefits of inventory visibility
(8 marks)
Discuss the Just-In-Time (JIT) production method in relationship to inventory planning.
(8 marks)

Question Three
Critically discuss the relationship between place with the other 3Ps of the marketing mix framework.
(8 marks)
Critically discuss how marketing logistics can be used as a source of competitive advantage.
(12 marks)

Question Four
Discuss the impact of technological environment on a firm’s logistical activities.
(12 marks)
Distribution is the products path to the end user. Briefly discuss the distribution tasks performed by wholesalers to manufacturers and their customers.
(8 marks)

Question Five
Describe the causes of channel conflict basing it on an organization that is familiar to you.
(10 marks)
Define customer loyalty programs and their role in marketing logistics.
(10 marks)

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