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Marketing Logistics (Buss 443) Question Paper

Marketing Logistics (Buss 443) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Discuss the concept of marketing logistic and state the objectives of marketing logistics.
You have been appointed distribution manager of Nairobi Juice, a new firm producing a range of soft drinks. Advise the firm on the most effective distribution strategy.

Question Two
Discuss the various factors that affect transportation and select a product to profile the importance of each factor.
Inventory as a percentage of overall business activity has continued to decline in the recent past decades. Explain the reasons for this trend.

Question Three
Discuss the impact of changes in the technological environment on a firm’s markets activities. (20mks)

Question Four
Select a company that you are most familiar with and show how logistics is a means of doing business in Kenya.
Discuss the types of business and organizations that you would work for as a logistics manager.

Question Five
Explain the role of wholesalers in company’s marketing logistics. (10mks)
Discuss the importance of warehousing in the distribution chain. (10mks)

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