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Business Planning B(Buss 046) Question Paper

Business Planning B(Buss 046) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other two questions
Question One
On the opening day of a boarding school near your home, students are coming back to school from their holidays. They are expected to arrive between 11.00 am and 6.00 pm and the school is about 1000 metres from the stage where taxis drop them. Tired as they are, they wonder how to carry their luggage to the dormitories. They have suitcases, mattresses, nags among others. Most of them have travelled long distances and are already hungry or very thirsty yet the school does not start serving meals until 7.30 pm
Suggest business opportunities that can be generated out of the above school situation.
(10 marks)
Describe what you would need to get your preferred business idea running.
(10 marks)
What are the likely challenges you may face in your business?
(10 Marks)

Question Two
As an entrepreneur who wants to start a business, why do you think a business plan will be important in you quest to get funding for your business?
(10 Marks)
Why is it important for an entrepreneur to screen business ideas?
(10 Marks)

Question Three
Discuss in detail why the executive summary is important.
(8 Marks)
Any entrepreneur who wants to start a business is going to face certain risk. Why is risk assessment important to any new business?
(7 Marks)
What are some of the challenges that may face anyone preparing a business plan?
(5 Marks)

Question Four
Describe in detail the components of an operational plan.
(10 marks)
Discuss at least five methods that can be used in identifying a business idea.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
What are the components of the marketing plan?
(10 Marks)
Why is the SWOT analysis important for any entrepreneur?
(5 Marks)
Why is entrepreneurship important to national development?
(5 Marks)

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