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Research Methods B(Buss 423) Question Paper

Research Methods B(Buss 423) 

Course:Economics And Statistics

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other two questions
Question One
Atira textile industry’s research association undertook a study of demand for cotton textiles in the country. It was expected that the research findings would be of interest to textiles manufacturers as well as to the government agencies related to trade and industry. In the study demand for cotton was treated as a function of four variables namely textile prices, Income of the consumer exercise duty and food prices. It was noted that there is a weary importation of law taxed new and second hand clothes that lowered demand for cotton textiles.
In consideration of the above information answer the following questions
State the research problem that would have guided the study.
(4 marks)
State four objectives that Atira wishes to achieve after the study
(4 marks)
What was the purpose of the study
(3 Marks)
Identify independent and dependent variables
(5 marks)
Identify the extraneous variables in the study
(2 Marks)
What was the significance of the study
(3 Marks)

Question Two
Briefly explain five causes of systematic bias in research
(5 marks)
Distinguish between research methods and research methodology
(5 Marks)
Discuss the reasons why managers should have knowledge in research.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Discuss the importance of having a research design in study
(10 Marks)
Describe the types of research.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Explain reasons for undertaking a pilot study before the main study.
(12 Marks)
Highlight the differences between a sample and a population in research
(8 Marks)

Question Five
How would you improve the rate of return of a mail survey
(12 Marks)
Good hypothesis are essential in research. What is a hypothesis? What are the qualities of a good hypothesis
(8 marks)

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