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Theories Of Counseling(Coun 200)  Question Paper

Theories Of Counseling(Coun 200)  

Course:Education And Counseling

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1 a) Define a theory in counseling. (4marks)
b) Explain characteristics of a good theory. (8marks)
c) Give the roles of a theory. (8marks)

Question 2
Using the helping Model by Gerald Egan; Discuss the stages of the counseling process (20marks)

Question 3
a) Explain what you would do as a counselor in the following circumstances.
i) A client`s time is up and he just does not want to leave.
ii) A young lady student comes to you for a routine counseling session and as she is
about to go, she mentions she is greatly disturbed by the attentions of a particular teacher.
iii) The head of your school sends you a student who has lost a close relative and feels he should stop studying in order to help his family. (15marks)
b) Why is there a need for a theory or theories in any type of counseling? (5marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss any SIX defense mechanisms mentioned below:-
i) Repression
ii) Denial
iii) Rationalization
iv) Projection
v) Reaction formation
vi) Identification
vii) Displacement
viii) Sublimation (12marks)
b) What counselor knowledge should a counselor have in order to tackle client issue professionally (8marks)

Question 5
Discuss the Transactional Analysis Theory

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