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Vocational And Career Counseling(Coun 400) Question Paper

Vocational And Career Counseling(Coun 400) 

Course:Education And Counseling

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Time:2 Hours

Question 1
a) Distinguish between the terms: Career education and Career Development. (2marks)
b) Discuss six ways of disseminating career/occupational information for groups in schools (18marks)

Question 2
a) Identify six factors in vocational maturity according to Donald Super`s development / life-span theories. (6marks)
b) According to Super, people change with time and experience, and progress through a series of vocational development stages. Discuss these vocational development stages. (10marks) c) State two different stages that Ginzberg`s theory addressed (4marks)

Question 3
Analyze five main components of vocational guidance in learning institutions (20marks)

Question 4
Explore the general personality types of John Holland`s Theory of Types (Career Typology Theory) and state its relevance in vocational counseling. (20marks)

Question 5
a) What is a Career Resource Centre? (4marks)
b) Highlight six planning consideration for a Career Resource Centre. (12marks)
c) Explore four roles of the Career Resource Centre. (4marks)

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