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Introduction To Social Psychology(Coun 115) Question Paper

Introduction To Social Psychology(Coun 115) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the term social psychology (2marks)
b) Social psychology should be integrated into 3 levels of analysis; individual, interpersonal and social structures. Discuss this statement showing how the discipline integrates this 3 aspects. (12marks)
c) Write short notes on the following theories of social psychology
i) Social learning theory (6marks)
ii) Psychosocial theory (6marks)
d) Write 2 reasons why it is important to study social psychology (4marks)

Question 2
a) Define stereotype and contrast it from bias (6marks)
b) Identify a stereotype that is associated with your ethnic group and discuss how it affects you and other members of your community (9marks)

Question 3
a) Define the terms
i) stigma (2marks)
ii) discrimination (2marks)
b) HIV/AIDS has posed a great challenge to the society today. There is a suggestion that those infected be put in asylum houses to avoid the spread of the disease. Discuss the aspect of stigma and discrimination showing your view of the same and support your discussion with examples. (11marks)

Question 4
Discuss the following 3 dimensions of attitude and give examples of each
i) Attitude strength
ii) Attitude ambivalence (15marks)

Question 5
a) Define the term conformity (3marks)
b) Identify and discuss any 3 reasons why people conform (3marks)
c) Many factors influence whom people are attracted to. Discuss this statement with the following as a guideline
i) Physical attractiveness (3marks)
ii) Similarity (3marks)
iii) Reciprocity (3marks)

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