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Interpersonal Relationships(Coun 232)  Question Paper

Interpersonal Relationships(Coun 232)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer any THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Define the term interpersonal relationship. (3marks)
b) Discuss how the natural development of a relationship follows the FIVE stages outlined below:
i) Acquintance
ii) Build up
iii) Continuation
iv) Deterioration
v) Termination (10marks)
c) Discuss the importance of self-disclosure in interpersonal relationships. (7marks)

Question 2
Illustrate the best ways that a person can use to manage anger. (20marks)

Question 3
a) What are the causes of stress? (6marks)
b) Describe the following symptoms of stress.
i) Cognitive symptoms
ii) Physical symptoms
iii) Emotional symptoms
iv) Behavioral symptoms (8marks)
c) Discuss any THREE methods of handling stress. (6marks)

Question 4
a) Define the term negotiation. (2marks)
b) Discuss the following FIVE styles or responses to negotiation.
i) Accomodating
ii) Avoiding
iii) Collaborating
iv) Competing
v) Compromising (10marks)
c) Discuss the role of body language and responding in helpful listening. (8marks)

Question 5
a) Discuss the importance of communication skills in building good interpersonal relationships. (8marks)
b) Describe the various steps that can be applied in resolving interpersonal conflicts. (12marks)

Question 6
a) Explain the meaning of trust in interpersonal relationships. (4marks)
b) Discuss the factors that enhance building of trust. (8marks)
c) Describe the behavioral traits that people need in order to develop trust. (8marks)

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