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Trauma And Palliative Counseling(Coun 340)  Question Paper

Trauma And Palliative Counseling(Coun 340)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer any THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Distinguish the following concepts:
i) Psychological trauma (2marks)
ii) Torture (2marks)
b) Identify the three main parts of the brain and describe how they are affected by traumatic events. (6marks)
c) Explore the range of reactions that children between age 6 and 11 years exhibit as a result of trauma. (10marks)

Question 2
Discuss the emotional and perceptual symptoms that may result from unresolved trauma (20marks)

Question 3
a) What is palliative care? (2marks)
b) Examine the primary objectives of palliative care. (10marks)
c) Discuss the benefits of palliative care. (8marks)

Question 4
a) Explore the three main types of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. (12marks)
b) Explain how the following techniques are used in treating rape trauma syndrome.
i) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
ii) Systematic Desensitization (8marks)

Question 5
a) What is grief counseling? (2marks)
b) Analyze the six stages of dying experienced by persons who are diagnosed with terminal illness according to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross stage theory. (18marks)

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