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Peer Counseling(Coun 358) Question Paper

Peer Counseling(Coun 358) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Discuss the aims of peer counseling program. (5marks)
b) What are the benefits peer counseling? (5marks)
c) Define
i) Peer
ii) Counseling
iii) Peer counseling (6marks)
d) Where do peers come from? (4marks)

Question 2
a) Discuss the challenges faced by peer counselors. (6marks)
b) Outline the criteria for selection of peer counselors. (6marks)

Question 3
Discuss the starting of peer counseling programme. (20marks)

Question 4
a) A young girl, who is born out of wedlock happens to be the only girl in the family. Her mother got married to someone who is not her biological father. The girl doesn`t know this but the father ignores her and is completely indifferent to her. As she grows into her teenage she becomes wild. Her mother cannot discipline her or control her behavior. The father ignores her completely. She gets into problems at school. She feels bad and wants to commit suicide. How can you handle such a case in:-
i) School
ii) At home? (15marks)
b) Explain qualities of a good PC. (5marks)

Question 5
a) Discuss the content of peer counselor training program. (15marks)
b) Why should we do evaluation of peer counseling program? (5marks)

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