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Career And Vocational Counseling(Coun 400) Question Paper

Career And Vocational Counseling(Coun 400) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer any THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Define:-
i) Career Guidance (4marks)
ii) Vocational Counseling (4marks)
b) Discuss how the following assessment methods are used in guidance and counseling.
i) Mental ability
ii) Achievement tests
iii) Aptitude tests
iv) Personality Inventories
v) Career Tests
vi) Career Development Measurements (12marks)

Question 2
a) Explain the meaning of these terms as used in Career Development
i) Occupational trends
ii) Decision-making skills
iii) Career Resource centre
iv) Career influence factors
iv) Professional Burn-out (10marks)
b) How does a school counselor assist students, teachers, parents and administrators in the following areas? (10marks)

Question 3
Describe the Historical Development of Guidance. (20marks)

Question 4
Discuss the following theories of Career Development. (20marks
i) Trait- factor theory
ii) Decision – making theories

Question 5
Explain the functions of Guidance and Counseling. (20marks)

Question 6
Discuss the following themes according to John Hollard`s personality types:
i) Realistic Theme
ii) Artistic Theme
iii) Social Theme
iv) Enterprising Theme

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