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Counseling Children With Special Needs And Their Parents(Coun 404) Question Paper

Counseling Children With Special Needs And Their Parents(Coun 404) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer any THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Distinguish the two terms (2marks)
i) Handicap ii) Impairment
b) What is an Educational Assessment and Resource centre (2marks)
c) Discuss four functions of the Educational Assessment and Resource centers in Kenya (8marks) d) Describe four support systems that are available for the families with special needs children. (8marks)

Question 2
a) State important guidelines that the counselor should keep in mind when counseling children with special needs. (5marks)
b) Examine the important hints that counselors working with children in art therapy can follow to unlock some of the most guarded secrets in children. (5marks)
c) Discuss what a counselor should do when engaging children in drawing during counseling. (4marks)
d) Briefly describe the following therapeutic approaches used in counseling children with special needs.
i) Role playing
ii) Story telling
iii) Biblio therapy (6marks)

Question 3
a) Describe the three categories of hearing impairment according to the part of the ear affected. (6marks)
b) Examine the post-natal causes of hearing impairment. (6marks)
c) Discuss the indicators that can help a person identify children with hearing impairment (8marks)

Question 4
a) Explore the sequence of reactions exhibited by parents when they realize they have a child with disability. (12marks)
b) Discuss reasons that make it necessary to counsel the family with a special needs child?

(8marks) Question 5
a) Explain five indicators that can help one to identify a mentally gifted or talented child. (6marks)
b) Highlight the challenges faced by the mentally gifted and talented children. (6marks)
c) How can a teacher provide a suitable learning environmental for the mentally challenged children. (8marks)

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