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Counseling Children, Youth And Adults (Coun 300)  Question Paper

Counseling Children, Youth And Adults (Coun 300)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Discuss five reasons that have made counseling children and young people very necessary at this time and age (10marks)
b) Triza, a standard two pupil in your school is brought to you for counseling by her class teacher. She appears to have been physically abused, with bits of her hair pulled out and marks on her back. She says she has been experiencing difficulties in concentration and you discover she is also suffering rejection from her peers, especially during play. Discuss how you would help Triza using art therapy (10marks)

Question 2
a) Involvement with peers is an extremely important part of adolescent growth. Discuss the main areas of development that peers play in the life of a young person (10marks)
b) Give and discuss five factors that a counselor should put into consideration to make his/her work more effective with young people (10marks)

Question 3
Giving relevant examples, discuss four parenting styles that influence child development and explain the outcome of each pattern of parenting on the young person’s behavior (20marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss five skills you would use in helping adults during the late adulthood stage of development. Give relevant examples (10marks)
b) Explain five ethical principles that you would put into consideration when helping a client in young adulthood. (10marks)

Question 5
Using the psychosocial theory of counseling, discuss the developmental tasks at each stage of development across the lifespan (20marks)

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