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Personality Theories(Coun 220) I Question Paper

Personality Theories(Coun 220) I 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE Questions

Question 1
a) What do you understand by the following terms: i) Personality (2marks)
ii) Trait (1mark)
b) Discuss six defense mechanisms used by the psychoanalytic theory of personality (12marks)

Question 2
Discuss five common personality disorders focusing mainly on their characteristics (15marks)

Question 3
a) Using a diagrammatic illustrations. Discuss the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. (10marks)
b) Give five characteristics of individuals who are self actualized. (5marks)

Question 4
a) What is a self concept (3marks)
b) Discuss the self concept as explained by humanistic theorists (12marks)

Question 5
a) Write down two types of personality tests (2marks)
b) Give the significance of personality testing (3marks)
c) Discuss the five factor model of personality (10marks)

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