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Career Counseling(Coun 400)  Question Paper

Career Counseling(Coun 400)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions Each Question carries 15 marks

Question 1
a) Give an overview of the evolution of career guidance/counseling in the world. Highlight the factors. (Political, social economic or philosophical) which may have influenced the process indicating the main players. (10marks)
b) “Career guidance in the ONE traditional society”. Discuss. (5marks)

Question 2
Why is it necessary to study career guidance in Kenya today? Highlight the factors which make career guidance an area of critical need not only in Kenya but elsewhere in the world. (15marks)

Question 3
a) What is Tiedman`s theory? Outline the key principles underlying this theory. (8marks)
b) Evaluate Tiedman`s model of vocational decision making. (7marks)

Question 4
“Assessment can be useful in career decision making process”. Discuss and evaluate the process of career assessment. (15marks)

Question 5
a) Discuss your career development from childhood to date. Identify significance transitions and their influence on your career choices and development. (8marks)
b) Identify the career theory model which could best explain your career choice and development. (7marks)

Question 6
Project. “Establishing a career vocational counseling department”. Discuss the relevance of the project and the necessary steps to consider in establishing the project. (15marks)

Question 7
a) Which factors influence career choices in Kenya? (8marks)
b) Do any of the theories which you have studied play any significant role in the way people chose careers in Kenya? Give examples to justify your answer. (7marks)

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